Custom Canvas Prints


Want to turn your photograph into a work of art? Do it with a canvas print from Imranma.

We print on the finest durable cotton blend artistic canvas in a range of sizes from A0 upwards. Our large format printing technology means that image quality isn’t compromised in large scale prints, and your printed canvas is rolled up and shipped to you in a protective material.

An easy, artistic way to personalise your space

Ready to put a personal touch on any (and every) space you want? Our canvas photo prints give you a textured, 3-dimensional decoration option that you can tailor to any layout or design. Our vibrant, fade-resistant printing gives your works of art serious longevity – and our built-in hangers make the display process easy. The premium wood frame ensures a quality feel to create the piece of art your wall's been missing.

Design tips & expert insights
Use high-resolution photos. High-res will give you the sharpest possible printing for your canvas prints.
Keep the shape in mind. This may affect which size is best for your project.
Preview your print. You'll have a chance to inspect the design from all sides, including the wrap.
Consider a collage. Have outtakes from a photo book project? They could make a fun collage.
Assemble a gallery wall. A curated collection of mounted prints can look gorgeous, especially in a dining room, hallway or staircase setting.

Things to Know: Answers to your canvas prints questions

Your frame is premium wood.
Canvas is wrapped in a sturdy wood frame for extra weight and durability.

Adhesives are not included with your order.
While all our canvas prints do come with built-in hangers, they do not include adhesives.



Village Mall Ground floor